A Simple Mac App for Self Motivation
Quick Motivation is a simple app that adds a menu bar item with customizable messages. Keeping a message visible helps interrupt distracting thought patterns and refocuses your attention on what matters.

Source Code
The source code is available on GitHub.
If you encounter any problems or have suggestions, please file an issue.
How It Works
Pin a custom message to the menu bar. For example, a reminder to take a breath:

Or a reminder to stay focused and get work done:

The app lets you configure and quickly choose between motivational messages.
Quickly choose a different message

Dealing with the menu bar
The menu bar on Mac is known for occasionally removing icons. This app does its best to ensure your message will show. If there is not enough space for the full message, it will display just the emoji. However, it’s still possible that nothing shows. In that case, you will need to remove other apps from the menu bar and re-launch Quick Motivation.
Even if only the emoji is displayed, you can still hover over the emoji to see the full message and pin it so it remains on the screen, and move it around to where you want it.

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