I released version 1.2 of the DiffPlex library on both CodePlex and Nuget. This new version contains a few notable changes.
- A new class called InlineDiffBuilder which makes it easier to build inline diffs (the same way the existing SidebySideDiffBuilder enables side by side diffs).
- A new argument on the IDiffer interface which causes the diffing algorithm to ignore letter casing. (See work item)
- DiffPlex 1.2 now targets .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4.0
You can download the new version at the DiffPlex home page as well as contribute code/ideas to the project.
Hi Mathew,
Could show how to use diffplex.dll in windows application….
am expecting sample program like what will be return type?
how i will pass richtext text to this dll functions….please help
Are you trying to diff RTF text? If so, that is a bit more complex since it will diff the RTF markup which is not what you really want I assume.
If you look at the DiffPlex source code there is a Silverlight project that should should you how to get diffplex to interact with a GUI application. See TextBoxDiffRenderer.cs
Hi Matthew,
This assembly does not have a strong Name. Can you please sign this assembly and post it?