Snippet Designer 1.4.0 has been released. You can get it from its CodePlex page, on the Visual Studio Gallery or through the extension manager in the Visual Studio IDE.
Snippet Explorer Changes
- Reworked language filter UI to work better in the side bar.
- Added result count drop down which lets you choose how many results to see.
- Language filter and result count choices are persisted after Visual Studio is closed.
- Added file name to search criteria.
- Search is now case insensitive.
Snippet Editor Changes
- Added menu option for the $end$ symbol which indicates where the cursor should be placed after the snippet is inserted.
- Added menu option for the $selected$ symbol which indicates where the selected text in the editor should be placed after the snippet is inserted. This requires a snippet type of SurroundsWith.
- Exporting a snippet from the editor will now automatically escape “$” characters.
- Existing snippet replacements will be detected and added when you paste a code snippet into the snippet editor.
For the complete change list see the issue page.