Chutzpah 3.1 – Smarter test running and Jasmine 2.0

Chutzpah 3.1 has a few improvements that were originally targeted for the 3.0 release. As always  you can get the new bits from CodePlex, NuGet or go to the Visual Studio Gallery to get the updated Visual Studio Context Menu Extension  and Unit Test Explorer adapter.


Tests Setting

In the 3.0 release Chutzpah added a references section that let you declare which files to include as references. In this release a similar section named Tests is added that lets you specify what tests you want to run.


    "Tests": [
        { "Include": "*test1*" },
        { "Path": "Dir3/test.js"},
        { "Path": "Dir1", "Include": "*.js", "Exclude": "*test4.js" },
        { "Path": "Dir2" }
  • Line #3 – Includes all tests that contain test1 in its path. This is in glob format.
  • Line #4 – Includes the file Dir3/test.js (relative to the chtuzpah.json path).
  • Line #5 – Includes all *.js files in the folder Dir1 except test4.js.  (Include/Exclude in glob format)
  • Line #6 – Includes all files in Dir2

These settings are evaluated on a first match wins policy. This means that if line #2 matches a file then #3 and #4 will not be checked for that file. Therefore, if an earlier line matches a file a later line cannot exclude that same file.


The tests setting section can be used in two ways: discovery or filtering.


You can tell chutzpah.console.exe to execute a chutzpah.json file! Chutzpah will evaluate the tests settings and use it to find all files it describes.  For example:

chutzpah.console.exe path/to/chutzpah.json

This feature provides a nice way to simplify describing  all tests you want to run without needing to explicitly list multiple /path arguments on the command line.



The second way the new tests setting can be used is to filter which test files are executed. When Chutzpah is running test files it will skip ones which don’t match the tests setting. This is a *much* needed feature for the Visual Studio integration. By default the test adapter plugin will look at all *.js files and try to see if they are test files. Often Chutzpah is able to use heuristics to quickly tell if a file is a test file. If the heuristics fails it then needs to actually execute that file. This can be very slow especially if Chutzpah is doing this with a large JS library. With this tests setting feature you can help Chutzpah out by placing a chutzpah.json at the root of your project and indicate which files are the test files. This can be a big performance boost and is the recommendation for all projects.

Jasmine 2.0

Chutzpah now ships with support for both the 2.0 and 1.0 lines of Jasmine (specifically 1.3.1 and 2.0.0). Both are supported for now since the 2.0 release broke combat with the 1.0 line. By default Chutzpah will assume you want the 2.0 version but there is a new chutpah.json setting to indicate you want the previous version.

To indicate you want the 1.0 line of Jasmine add the following to your chutzpah.json file:

    "FrameworkVersion": "1"

You can put pretty much any version you want here that starts with 1 since for Jasmine Chutzpah only cares if you either want the 1.0 line or if you don’t. Eventually Chutzpah will deprecate and then remove support for Jasmine 1.0 so please begin the process of upgrading soon.