Chutzpah 1.3.0 Released

A new version of Chutzpah is now live on Visual Studio Gallery, CodePlex and now NuGet.

This release contains the following changes:


1. Chutzpah is now able to run Jasmine tests in addition to QUnit. This was a large feature and new Chutzpah contributor Ben (Qube) did an amazing job with it.

2. Added a new configuration option to set the timeout on a test file. By default this value is 3000ms but there are many cases when you may have long running tests where you need this to be longer. You can now set this timeout from the command line:

chutzpah.console.exe /timeoutMilliseconds 5000 mytest.js

You can also set this inside of Visual Studio using the newly added options menu. You can find this menu under Tools->Options->Chutzpah.



Bug Fixes

1. Chutzpah now copies over the text fixtures that you set in your html test harness.

2. Added missing doctype on the generated test harness.

3. Fixed bug where multiple references to qunit.js were copied into the generated test harness.